For parents

Children keep getting younger when they first use the internet, but they often cannot recognise all the dangers. Internet is not different from everyday life, one has to be careful with new friends and using money. Internet also influences everyday life, so it is important that kids understand that and know how to ask for help.

This page has different useful links and information on how to talk about the internet and guide your child when they play Spoofy.

Spoofy is a cybersecurity game with the goal to teach children about cybersecurity threats, behaving online and other issues related to smart devices. The game presents different scenarios, the player can collect cyberpets and do other fun things. The player can play five different worlds and move between the spaceship and each of the worlds. Each world has its own individual assignments: solving cyber problems or collecting items.

Focus of the game

Cyber safety is an important topic for everyone, including children. Most adults and many children have smart devices, internet is everywhere. Even though some social media sites presume that users are 13 years old, most children use them long before. They also play online games, use school forums and communicate with friends. Therefore it is important that children can behave online already at a young age and recognise various threats found on the internet. The game focuses on these important three topics:

  • Internet is not separate from real life

    Social media posts and behaviour on the internet affect people’s everyday lives. The money spent online is real money, the messages written and posted there have a real effect on people, and it is possible to do real harm through the internet. Part of cyber security is that children need to understand the impact of their actions and could account for the consequences: a friend might get hurt, unpleasant information might spread or they might fall victim to criminals.

  • On the internet, not everyone is a friend.

    Children encounter many different people on the web, many of whom are old or new friends. But there are also bad people who don’t seem like that right away. So children need to be careful: who they talk to, who they share information with, and who they accept as friends. It is also good that children learn at an early age that there are also criminals online who hack or organise scams.

  • Ask an adult for help!

    Children don’t often know how to or don’t want to ask an adult for help because they are afraid or they think that parents don’t know either. But adults have more life experience and many internet issues they have seen long before so they should always ask for help.

Themes in the game

Friend requests

People get many friend requests, children are no different. Therefore it is important that they can critically evaluate, which are good requests to accept. Adding the wrong people can give them additional information and access. Therefore, it is important to stress that they should know the person in real life or at least in a game or similar. If the photo and name are familiar but the profile seems strange, they should also be careful and ask for additional information because there are many fake accounts going around. When they meet an internet friend in real life, they should always consult an adult first, especially if the “friend” asks them not to.

Things for free

There are many free things, ads and good offers on the web. Many of them are scams.

  1. Free things often come with viruses or other malware. If it should not be free (like a movie, for example) and someone else is charging for it, the free one is suspicious.
  2. „Share this and you might win“ is usually a scam. Even if you get the reward right away, the sharing is still not a good idea.
  3. If something seems like too good to be true, it usually is.


All devices and accounts should be password protected. You have to remember three things:

  1. All passwords must be unique, each account has to have a different password.
  2. Passwords must be long and complicated
    1. At least 12 characters
    2. Letters, numbers and other symbols
    3. Don’t use easily recognisable things like your name, name of a family member etc.
  3. Do not share your passwords with anyone, maybe only your parents.


Hacking is any misuse of computer to get access to someone’s computer or system. Hackers can have ethical goals but often they are malicious. Hacking usually requires computer skills and knowledge but there are also those who purchase readymade assets on the internet and use them for their goals. Hacking is usually illegal so hackers are often greeted by police at their doors, and hackers are considered criminals.

Scams on the internet

The number-one internet threat right now is scams. This often means phishing emails and messages or the spreading of false information. It is important to be vigilant at any age and to keep in mind the main rules of cyber hygiene.

  1. Always be careful when selecting a WiFi network, downloading apps or reacting to messages.
  2. Fake messages can come via email or SMS, through instant messengers or even as phone calls.
  3. It is important to always double-check the information through a different channel before reacting.
  4. Some common signs of scams are:
    1. a surprising sender;
    2. the phone number or address is different from the sender’s usual one;
    3. being prompted to react quickly;
    4. vagueness in details.
  5. Never send money based on just one email or message.
  6. Children should always discuss any suspicious messages with their parents, especially when money or data are involved.

Sukčiai internete

Šiuo metu didžiausia interneto grėsmė yra sukčiai. Tai dažnai reiškia sukčiavimo el. laiškus ir žinutes arba melagingos informacijos skleidimą. Svarbu būti budriems bet kuriame amžiuje ir nepamiršti pagrindinių kibernetinės higienos taisyklių.

  1. Visada būkite atsargūs rinkdamiesi „WiFi“ tinklą, atsisiųsdami programas ar reaguodami į pranešimus.
  2. Suklastotos žinutės gali būti gaunamos el. paštu arba SMS žinutėmis, per momentinius pasiuntinius ar net skambinant telefonu.
  3. Prieš reaguojant svarbu visada dar kartą patikrinti informaciją kitu kanalu.
  4. Kai kurie įprasti sukčiavimo požymiai:
    1. neįprastas siuntėjas
    2. telefono numeris arba adresas skiriasi nuo įprasto siuntėjo
    3. raginama greitai reaguoti
    4. neaiškumas detalėse
  5. Niekada nesiųskite pinigų remdamiesi tik vienu el. paštu ar žinute.
  6. Vaikai visada turėtų aptarti bet kokius įtartinus pranešimus su tėvais, ypač kai kalbama apie pinigus ar duomenis.

The instructions include all the necessary information, all in one place

Useful materials